Wholemega is a true expression of nature's wisdom. By using only sustainably caught Alaskan salmon - among the world's cleanest and most pure fish stocks - an extra virgin, low heat process is all that's required to deliver nature's intelligence and the whole complement of omega fatty acids, while still guaranteeing optimal purity. Food Grade Wholemega oil is extensively tested for detectable PCBs, heavy metal contaminants, and toxins that must be distilled out of other fish oils.*
Natural salmon oil contains a balance of vital Omega 3, 5, 6, 7, and 9's, often referred to as 'good' fats. These food fats, which include two essential fatty acids the human body cannot produce on its won, serve to nourish brain, heart, eye, and kidney tissues. They have been shown to benefit cardiovascular, immune system, brain, and digestive health.*
For optimal benefit, fish oil must be incorporated into cell membranes, where it serves to modulate cell signal events (e.g. modulate inflammation) and increases membrane fluidity. As demonstrated in a human clinical trial, Wholemega has been show to incorporate into peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) - allowing fish oil to provide its beneficial effects.*
Additionally, Wholemega has been shown to down-regulate inflammatory arachidonic acid (AA); significantly improving the balance of inflammatory AA to anti-inflammatory EPA. Preliminary data also shows Wholemega may down-regulate inflammatory markers, such as LDL ('bad') cholesterol and C-Reactive Protein.*
A human clinical study demonstrates the change of essential fatty acid content (EPA and DHA) in cell membrances (PBMC) after consuming Wholemega.*
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2021 MyHealth-Store.com