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Viru-Chord 2 oz.

Viru-Chord 2 oz.Viru-Chord alerts the body to viruses buried deep within the tissue and is designed to activate the immune system to begin moving them out. Ingredients Adrenal 3X, 6X; Belladonna 12X, 30X; China Officinalis 3X; Commiphora Myrrha 3X, 6X; Gelsemium Sempervirens 6X; Germanium Sesquioxide 3X; Hydrastis Canadensis 3X; Lachesis Muta 10X; Liver 3X, 6X; Lomatium Dissectum 3X; Lung 3X, 6X; Nasturtium Aquaticum 3X; Nux Moschata or Myristica 3X; Nux Vomica 12X; Py-rogenium 30X, 60X; Spleen 3X, 6X; Tabebuia Impetiginosa 3X; Thymus 3X, 6X; Thyroid 3X, 6X; Uncaria Tomentosa 3X; Viral nosodes 30X, 60X, 200X, 1M; Glycerin 15%; Ethanol 15%; Purified Water 70%.

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