New Eco-Friendly Packaging!
Do to the increase concerns of environmental exposure to Radiation many patients with serious health challenges we test every batch we receive with our Gamma-Scout radiation detector.
Each Capsule Provides 2000 Salvestrol Units provides Citrus bioflavonoids, (Fruit- Citrus Reticuata, Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus sinensis, Citrus limon)…75 mgGrape Seed Extract (Seed-Vitis vinfera) ..75 mg (:1, QCE 375 mg); Winter squash (Fruit- Curcubita maxima)..75 mg (5:1, QCE 375 mg)
Salvestrol Products
The ingredients in our products are 100% natural and organic. None of the fruit used in our products has been genetically modified or treated with pesticides or anti-fungal agents, and all products are encased in vegetable capsules.
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Salvestrol Platinum 2000
This formulation concentrated natural fruit extracts with an enhanced blend of four Salvestrols. Each bottle contains 90 Salvestrol (2000 point) capsules.
Suggested Use: For regular dietary supplementation, use one capsule per day with a meal. If facing a previous health challenge, use two capsules per day (one at breakfast and at dinner). If confronting a serious health challenge, normal to slightly overweight people (BMI 18 to 30) should use a total of five capsules (two at breakfast and dinner and one at lunch, or three at breakfast and two at dinner); underweight people should use four capsules (two at breakfast and at dinner); and overweight people should use six capsules (two at breakfast, lunch and dinner). If there is no effect at the recommended starting dose, increase the daily intake by one or two capsules per week until the dosage is doubled. Note: (1) These guidelines do not apply to children, and (2) Salvestrols are not suitable for pregnant women or breast feeding mothers.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2021 MyHealth-Store.com