Indications for Use:
- Allergic-Sensitivity reactions
- Emotional implications
- Calming
- Helps provide a gentler drainage with fewer reactions
- Mental clarity
- Background remedy to any drainage, detox, sensitivity or
supportive remedy which has an emotional component
1 - 5 spray(s), 1 - 3 time(s)/day
In crisis, 1 – 3 sprays every 15 minutes
Acetylcholine chloride Mental clarity
Histamine IG support
Serotonin Neurological support
5 flower English remedy at 6X & 200K
Cherry-Plum Emotional support
Clematis Faintness
Impatiens Neurological support
Rock Rose Emotional support
Star-of-Bethlehem Trauma support
20% Alcohol
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2021 MyHealth-Store.com