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Para-Chord 2 oz.

Para-Chord 2 oz.Para-Chord has been specially formulated to assist the body with the expulsion of worms.

Ingredients Artemisia Abrotanum 3X; Artemisia Vulgaris 12X; Cina Artemisia 3X; Filix Mas 3X; Graphites naturalis 12X, 30X, 60X; Juglans Nigra 3X; Parasite nosodes 30X, 60X, 200X, 1M; Sabadilla Officinalis 4X, 6X; Silicea Terra 3X; Spigella Anthelmia 3X; Tabebuia Impetiginosa 3X; Tanacetum Vulgare 12X; Teucrium Marum 3X; Thymus Vulgaris 3X; Glycerin 15%; Ethanol 15%; Purified Water 70%.

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