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Lymph-Tone II (Cellular/Chronic) 2 oz.

Lymph-Tone II (Cellular/Chronic) 2 oz.Lymph-Tone II provides homeopathic drainage support for cellular/chronic conditions. Can be used with all healing strategies where chronic disease and/or toxic burden is indicated.

Ingredients Adrenal 3X, 6X; Aesculus Hippocastanum 12X; Baryta Carbonica 12X; Berberis Vulgaris 12X; Bufo Rana 12X; Calcarea Carbonica 4X; Calcarea Phosphorica 12X; Chlamydia 12X; Collinsonia Canadensis 3X; Echinacea Angustifolia 6X; Ferrum Phosphoricum 3X; Hypothalamus 3X, 6X; Kreosotum 12X; Natrum Muriaticum 12X; Phytolacca Decandra 3X; Pinus Maritima 6X; Pituitary 3X, 6X; Pix Liquida 6X; Pulsatilla Nigricans 12X; Silicea Terra 12X; Thuja Occidentalis 12X; Tuberculinum 30X; Ubiquinone 6X, 12X, 30X; Uncaria Tomentosa 3X; Glycerin 15%; Ethanol 15%; Purified Water 70%.

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