4 oz Lobelia Skunk Cabbage Compound
Lobelia Skunk Cabbage Compound contains:
Lobelia herb & seed (Lobelia inflata)
Skunk Cabbage rhiz. & rt. (Dracontium foe.)
Skullcap flowering herb (Scutellaria lat.)
Black Cohosh rhiz. & rt. (Cimicifuga rac.)
Myrrh tears (Commiphora abyssinica)
Cayenne pepper (Capsicum annuum)
The herbs used to prepare this compound are Certified Organically Grown without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides,
or they are Custom Wildcrafted in their natural wild habitat. They are hand-harvested at their optimal potency, and are then promptly
extracted while still fresh & succulent or after being carefully shade-dried.
These herbs are never fumigated or irradiated.
Contains certified organic grain alcohol (58-68%), distilled water & herb extractives.
Suggested use:
Two to four times per day take 30 to 40 drops in a little water.
NOTE: Seek expert medical advice before taking during pregnancy.
Keep Out of the Reach of Children.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2021 MyHealth-Store.com