Gyne-Chord is a homeopathic combination formula for symptoms related to toxic load of the female system. Toxins that compromise the female reproductive system may be as a result of environmental, lifestyle, emotional, and microbial sources. The formula contains homeopathically prepared ingredients to specifically address the often intense symptoms of these concerns.
For symptoms such as painful menses; burning, itching, vaginal discharge; irritability; bouts of depression; anxiety; pain in pelvic area; lower back pain; itching and burning in genitals; genital skin eruptions; strong odor of menstrual blood.
Active Ingredients: Angelica sinensis, radix 8X (Dong Quai);Aurum muriaticum 15X (Gold Chloride); Boricum acidum 12X (Boric acid); Calcarea carbonica 15X (Calcium Carbonate); Candida albicans 12X, 30X; Cimicifuga racemosa 6X (Black Cohosh); Folliculinum 7C (Follicular Hormone); Glandula suprarenalis suis 9X, 12X, 6C (Adrenal); Helonias dioica 12X, 30C (False Unicorn); Hydrastis canadensis 12X (Goldenseal); Kreosotum 15X (Kreosote); Mercurius solubilis 12X (Quicksilver); Natrum sulphuricum 12X (Sodium Sulphate); Oophorinum 9X, 12X, 6C (Ovary); Pulsatilla 12X (Wind Flower); Sepia 12X (Cuttlefish Ink); Staphysagria 12X (Stavesacre); Thuja occidentalis 12X (Arbor Vitae); Thyroidinum 9X, 12X, 6C, 12C (Thyroid Glandular); Zincum gluconicum 8X (Zinc Gluconate).
Inactive Ingredients: Purified Water 70%, Glycerine 15%, Ethanol 15%.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These product are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Copyright 2021